A Law Office with a Family Legacy

Our Services

Secure your consultation with our esteemed attorney, where legal knowledge meets exceptional personal service. Discover the discreet sophistication that defines our practice, ensuring your peace of mind and the utmost priority to your legal needs.


Practice Areas

  • Family Law

  • Estate Planning

  • Remote Online Estate Planning

  • Probate

  • Prenuptial Agreements

  • Postnuptial Agreements

  • Business Succession Planning


Remote Estate Planning

Remote Online Estate Planning Is Not Available to Vulnerable Adults in Florida

Importantly: if you are a vulnerable adult as defined in Fla.Stat. 415.102, you may not get a document electronically notarized online, and because most estate planning documents must be notarized to be legally valid, if you are a vulnerable adult, then your estate plan must be executed in-person.

Florida Statutes defines “Vulnerable adult” as a person 18 years of age or older whose ability to perform the normal activities of daily living or to provide for his or her own care or protection is impaired due to a mental, emotional, sensory, long-term physical, or developmental disability or dysfunction, or brain damage, or the infirmities of aging.


Consultation Fee

In-office, telephonic and zoom consultation fee is $100.00 and is non-refundable.

If you choose to hire Ms. Carr, the $100.00 will be applied to any retainer fee quoted.

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